TeachAbout Community Network
TeachAbout Community Network
Lorraine Smith

Welcome to TeachAbout Community Network

Planning for professional and pupil development

About TeachAbout Community Network

Your Invitation ...

Working in education is demanding and overwhelming especially in the current post-covid times of rapid changes in policy and legislation.

Whether you're a leader, governor, teacher, early career teacher (ECT), trainee teacher, learning support teacher,  SENCo, education specialist/consultant in your field, governor or aspiring to any of those roles then this Network is for you!  

We are all in this together!

Community and connection are at the heart of everything you will read here.

Let's support and share and together to find ways to attain High Quality Teaching for all pupils whilst maintaining our own well-being with a focus on 'implementation without overwhelm!'

Community Benefits

I’m Lorraine Smith and if you work in education then I’m here to support YOU to plan and implement the delivery of High Quality Teaching (HQT) and the provision of an environment that is inclusive for all, both children and young people (CYPs) and education professionals.

Having worked in education across mainstream and special sectors as well as in advisory and university settings, I believe that the educational climate today is the fastest changing in terms of legislation and policy and the most demanding on our resilience and capacity for adaptation and change due to the [post] Covid context and the on-going emphasis on the ‘catch-up’ curriculum.

The TeachAbout Community Network is a single space where you can access updates to legislation and their implications for your practice.

Get involved in educational debate.

Reflect on the features of High Quality Teaching and Inclusion

Become an active member and comment and create content in our community areas.

Navigate through the FREE areas and access additional PREMIUM content to enhance your professional development and evidencing of professional standards.


Peer support

I started my business TeachAbout® as a direct result of the levels of stress, anxiety and burn out I was continuing to see in the profession: From the trainee and early career teacher (ECT) to the experienced teacher and leader and of course, not forgetting the unique workload and pressures of the SENCo and the – often underestimated – demands made on support staff across all educational settings, we all struggle with overload at times and no more so than now.

Although we are now past that initial 'back to school' phase, the consequences of the isolation experienced by educational professionals - not least the limitations of time spent in school experienced by our trainee and early career teachers - over the past two years are still very present.

Home-schooling or hybrid delivery of lessons and the medical crises that many of us have had to navigate through have led to us being isolated both professionally and personally which turn unavoidably takes its toll on our mental health and sense of well-being.

It is for this reason that I have undertaken to provide you with a professional, secure and ad-free space where you can connect with others  without being pulled in multiple directions where you may be led to engaging in posts which lead to a less than positive experience.

Joining this Community Network will enable you to collaborate and encourage each other and – ideally – lighten the load together.


In the open all-member Networking space I provide you with current information, commentary and debate and invite your engagement and response.

I curate FREE community areas where you have freedom to decide your own content and topics – within the Network Ts & Cs. This is very much your space, but look out for responsive content to contribute to the discussions and questions you post.

I will be creating additional PREMIUM content with a specialised focus, where I deliver bespoke courses and programs and provide closed communities for my consultation clients upon request. 

Check out the listed 'benefits' available in these spaces and contact me with any queries or requests for more bespoke content and services.